Welcome to Bunbury Parish Council

Parish Councils sit at the most direct level of democracy in England and Wales, being the first tier of local government, and seek to improve community wellbeing and provide better services at a local level.

Our activities fall into three main categories: representing the local community; delivering services to meet local needs; and striving to improve quality of life and community wellbeing.

The Council serves, and makes decisions on behalf of, the village and aims to keep everyone informed about important issues and on-going projects. There are ten councillor seats - Councillors are committed to the well being of Bunbury and give their time, effort and resources without financial reward.

Councillors are members of the community, elected by the community. Elections take place every four years and the last ones were in May 2023. In the event of casual vacancies the Council may co-opt members to serve until the next elections - there are vacancies at the moment, for more information click here.

Notices from the Parish Council are posted on this website and many, including dates of meetings, agendas minutes, and election notices are also posted to the Council noticeboard in the village.

Cheshire East Council

Bunbury is in the Cheshire East Council (CEC) area and your ward councillor is Cllr Becky Posnett (clicking on the link will open a new email).

Cheshire East is a Unitary Authority (which means that it combines the roles and responsibilities that are often divided between Borough or District councils and County Councils). CEC is responsible for matters such as:

  • Births, Marriages, and Deaths Registration
  • Children, Education, and Families
  • Council Tax
  • Domestic Bin Collection
  • Domestic Waste & Recycling centres
  • Environmental health (including noise and dog nuisances)
  • Housing
  • Leisure Centres and play areas
  • Libraries and archives
  • Planning determination
  • Roads, potholes, repairs, and gritting
  • Social Work and Social Care
  • Surface Water Flooding
  • Trading standards
  • Transport and travel

You can find out more about them, or contact them, on their website . If you want to report problems with roads or drainage, please go to our Roads information page, where there are direct links to the right people.

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